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Angels Playing Musical Instruments, (The Vatican Collection)
Angels Playing Musical Instruments, Vatican Collection
Antique Urbis Imago I, (The Vatican Collection)
Antique Urbis Imago II, (The Vatican Collection)
Astronomy and Astrology Tables, (The Vatican Collection)
Della Magnificienza ed Architettura de Romani, (The Vatican Collection)
Eclictic Armilla, (The Vatican Collection)
Gold Lions, (The Vatican Collection)
Gold Man with Camel, (The Vatican Collection)
Last Supper
Madonna de Foligno, c.1511, (The Vatican Collection)
Madonna of the Chair, c.1514, (The Vatican Collection)
Shephard Boy, (The Vatican Collection)
Souvenir De Premiere Communion, (The Vatican Collection)
Wedding Ceremony, (The Vatican Collection)